Poetry Magazines & Anthologies
Eric Greinke’s work has appeared or been accepted for publication in the following literary magazines & anthologies to date. For any omissions to this list, our apologies.
Abbey, Abraxas, Air, The Alcaeus Review, Amaranthus, The Ambassador Poetry Project, The American Journal of Poetry, Atlas Poetica, the Aurorean, Backwards City Review, Barbaric Yawp, Bathtub Gin, Beatlick News, The Bicycle Review, Big Scream, Bitterroot, Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene, The Broadkill Review, Broad River Review, Brown Penny Review, The Bryant Literary Review, California Quarterly, The Cape Rock Journal, The Cedar Rock Quarterly, Chamber Four, Chiron Review, Clark Street Review, Cloven Hoof, Coe Review, Creative Moment,The Delmarva Review, The Detroit Free Press, Display, Drama Garden, Dual Coast Magazine, Edgz, Emphasis, Essence, First Literary Review-East, Fly By Night, Forge – An Eclectic Journal of Modern Story, Culture, and Art, For The Time Being, Fox Chase Review, Free Lance, Free Verse, Gargoyle, Ginyu International Haiku Magazine (World Haiku Association, Ban’ya Natsuishi, trans., Saitama, Japan, 2010), The Goodly Co., The Grand Rapids News, The Grand Rapids Sunday Press, The Grand Valley Review, Grand Valley Today, Great Art, Happiness Holding Tank, The Green Door (Belgium), HazMat Review, Home Planet News, The Hurricane Review, Ibbetson Street, Iconoclast, Illogical Muse, Independent Publisher Magazine, The Journal (UK), King James Version, Lake Effect – An International Literary Journal, The Lanthorn, Lazarus, The Loch Raven Review, The Mad Poets Review, Main Channel Voices, Main Street Rag, Magazine Six, The Margarine-Maypole Orangoutang Express, Metamorphosis, Midnight, Midwest Book Review, Modern Haiku, Muddy River Poetry Review, Muses Review, Napalm Health Spa Report, Nerve Cowboy, New Dimensions, The New York Quarterly, North Dakota Quarterly, Once Again, Out Of Sight, Over The Transom, Paradox, Paterson Literary Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Pennsylvania English, Pegasus, Pinyon, Plainsongs, Poem, Poetry Americana, Poetry Now, Poetry Pacific (Canada), PoetsWest, Presa, Prosopisia – An International Journal of Poetry & Creative Writing (India), The Roadrunner Haiku Journal, The Root, Rosebud, Schuylkill Valley Journal, The Small Press Review, So It Goes – The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library, Solo Cafe, Solo Novo, The Somerville News, The South Carolina Review, Stone Drum, Switchback, Taj Mahal Review (India), Tar Wolf Review, Tertulia, The 13th Warrior Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Trajectory, Turtle Island Quarterly, Under The Banana Tree (League of Laboring Poets), The United Co-Operative, The University of Tampa Review, The Unrorean, Various Artists, Verse Daily, Verse Wisconsin, Wavelength, WestWard Quarterly, Wilderness House Literary Review, Wild Goose Poetry Review, The Wild Plum Review, Wild Violet, The Woodsrunner, Words Of Wisdom.
Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry (Maurice Custodio, editor, Peace and Pieces Press, San Francisco, CA,1972), Being ’71 (Cor Barendrecht, editor, Being Press, Grand Rapids, MI,1971), Best Of Four (Walter Lockwood, editor, Dyer-Ives, Grand Rapids, MI,1971), Christmas In The Wild (Short Story; Tom Tolnay editor, Birch Brook Press, Delhi, NY 2014), For Neruda / For Chile – An International Anthology (Walter Lowenfels, editor, Beacon Press, Boston, MA,1975), Inside The Outside: An Anthology Of Avant-Garde American Poets (Roseanne Ritzema, editor, Presa Press, Rockford, MI, 2006), Mantras (Alan Britt, editor, Floating Hair Press, Tampa, FL,1973), Michigan Hot Apples (Gay Rubin, editor, Hot Apples Press, Bloomfield Hills, MI, 1972), Michigan Hot Apples 2 (Gay Rubin, editor, Hot Apples Press, Bloomfield Hills, MI,1973), 10 Michigan Poets (Eric Greinke, editor, Pilot Press Books, Grand Rapids, MI,1972), Midwest Poetry 1972 (Roy Burrows, editor, Burro Books, El Dorado, AK,1972), Themes 2003 (Brigitta Getrich, editor, Creative With Words, Carmel, CA, 2003), The Vagaries Of Invention (Donald Isaacson & Helen Sheridan, editors, Sidewinder Press, Kalamazoo, MI, 1982), Wilderness House Literary Review Volume 1 (Gloria Mindock, editor, ISCS Press, Littleton, MA, 2007), Wilderness House Literary Review Volume 3 (Gloria Mindock, editor, ISCS Press, Littleton, MA, 2009), The 2011 Rhysling Anthology (David Lunde, editor, Science Fiction Poetry Association, Covina, CA, 2011), Song of the Owashtanong – Grand Rapids Poetry in the 21st Century (David Cope, editor, Ridgeway Press, Roseville, MI, 2012), The Second Genesis: An Anthology of Contemporary World Poetry (Moizur Rehman Khan, editor, ARAWLII Press, Ajmer, India, 2014), All The Colors Of Life (Ruth Moon Kempher, editor, Kings Estate Press, St. Augustine, FL, 2019)